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It is time to wave Goodbye to Windows Vista

It is known to everyone how Windows Vista was not so popular like its predecessors. The same people who accepted and embraced Windows XP for a longer time, have waved goodbye to Vista after disliking most of its features. 

Though it was launched six years ago, it failed miserably in both retaining as well as attracting new users. Finally, Microsoft is removing the support for this least popular version of their Operating System. Yes, You heard it right. If you are still stuck in Vista, then it's time to move on immediately. It took almost a decade for the company to come up with this announcement. 

From today, Microsoft won't provide any support regarding technical issues of Vista or does not send you any security patch and bug fix updates. It is not a surprise for Windows user since they were expecting it to happen one or the other day. 

If you still have no plans of moving out of this OS, then you should stay alert for future hacks. Since attackers normally eye on vulnerable PCs which are not upgraded to latest versions or have not updated any security patch. 

Upgrading prevents you from such attacks and also helps you to keep up with the current technology trends. Microsoft says, " The time has come for us, along with our hardware and software partners, to invest our resources towards more recent technologies." 

Though Vista is used by very less number of users, it won't create much of a problem for the users. Currently, Windows 7 is said to be the most popular operating system globally. It is used on almost half of all the PCs out there. 

For more information regarding how to upgrade your PC or to check your current OS version, you can visit the support page of Microsoft. 

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